Sunday, March 24, 2013

Juicy Mask Sheet review! ♥

Hi everyone! Recently my brother ordered a few things from (which took ages to get here!) and one of those things was a face mask for me! ^.^ Its called Peach Juicy Mask Sheet made by Baviphat. Apparently  its one of the most bought products on the site! 
The face sheet was pretty simple to use. All the instructions were in Korean but it also has little pictures to help you understand how to apply it~ I've used face sheets before myself so I know how right away. 

I forgot to take a picture of the actual mask itself (sorry!~) but if you search up mask sheet you can easily find what it looks like, they're all pretty much similar.

First, make sure you wash you face and hands to get away all that dirt (yes, there is dirt and dead skin on your face gurl!). I used it early in the morning after my usual face routine. I read online that the effect of the mask didn't last overnight so I thought it would be good to use it in the morning to it would be noticeable throughout the day. Its not very messy, most of the juice" stays on the mask but some might slide out onto the package. Once you have it out, simply unfold it and match up the eye, mouth, and nose spaces with yours! Done! Then wait 15-20 minutes (I watched a 21 minute episode of Futurama lol) and then after you feel like you've had it on long enough, take it off (you can throw it away~) and rinse off your face!  This mask in particular smelled really nice, not as strong as I thought it would, just a subtle peach sent. It was also very juicy! It was super soft and the clear liquid felt really soft and refreshing! Overall, if felt really nice. This mask is supposed to be "vital and lifting" and give you lively and elastic skin. Now don't expect a DRAMATIC different when you take it off. It will make your skin feel a bit softer and it does brighten and refresh your skin a bit. Its not an amazing product but it certainly is worth the $2! Its always fun doing small face mask/sheets like this ^.^ Since this was only my first time using Baviphat mask, I might try a different one and do a more in depth review.

Thank you! If you do buy this product, link my to your own review!

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