Friday, August 30, 2013

Aspirin Acne Mask ♥

Hey guys! Today I tried out a mask that I always read about but have never actually tried in the past; an aspirin mask! When I first saw that the ingredients asked for aspirin I was a bit hesitant to try it because lets face it, it's a bit strange to put something that is meant to help with aches and pains, on your face to clear acne. I didn't try it before because I was also nervous that putting medicine on my skin would some how make me sick (what is I overdosed because it seeped into my pores?!) But after I watched a video of Michelle Phan doing that mask I thought it must be okay to try out since she's okay! 
Why use aspirin to clear up acne? Well aspirin is an anti-inflammatory so it will reduce redness that acne causes. It also contains salicylic acid which is one of the most commonly used ingredients in acne products as it cleans out pores and exfoliates the skin! I've read a lot of comments from people that have tried it saying it dried up their acne!

So for this mask you'll need:
3-5 uncoated aspirin

Some aspirin are coated with a gelatin layer that is usually a color other than white. It makes the aspirin dissolve very slowly so I don't suggest them. If its all you have, soak the pills in a bit of water and after awhile the gelatin will be easier to peel off. I got plain Publix brand aspirin!

 First, add 3-5 tablets into a bowl or small cup. 

 Then, add a teeny, tiny, itty, bitty amount of water. You really only need a few drops. You want the tablets to become a bit pasty. If it becomes a bit too watery, add one more tablet. (Do not add more than 8 tablets!)

 Wait for the tablets to dissolve and mix a little. It should look like this!

Lastly, add about a teaspoon of honey, mix and you're done! Once your mask is all mixed and ready, rinse off you face to remove any dirty. As you apply the mask, exfoliate your skin by rubbing it in circles. Then leave it on for about 15 minutes and rinse off!
I really enjoyed this mask! It left my skin very soft and refreshed. I'm going to use it once a week and see if there is any improvement on my acne. If you try this mask, leave a comment!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Sunflower! pt. 2 ♥

Hi everyone! This is an update about my sunflower that I'm growing! The last post I did about it was actually in early July which wasn't that long ago! Even so, the sunflower is HUGE (well not huge but pretty big keke) and its growing really big and strong. Just a few days ago I began so see a bit of yellow and I'm proud to show you a few pictures of what Daisy (yes, my sunflower has a name and yes, it's the name of another flower~) looks like now!


 So my sunflower is growing pretty well! I make sure to water it everyday and pretty soon I'm thinking of planting it in the ground so it can grow even bigger!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to school! ♥

 Hello everyone! Today was officially the first day of school! I'm a senior in high school; I've gone through the years facing the challenges of stress from school work, boyfriends, drama, etc. I'm not typically one to get myself into problems but it happens to all of us at one point or another. I've learned from my own mistakes and my peers mistakes and so I think I have some good advice to give when it comes to starting high school and dealing with all the stress that comes with it!
First, do you work. Seems pretty simple, right? Well, many freshmen come in (including myself) ill-prepared for the fast paced high school life. High school is NOT middle school. In middle school, teachers gave you breaks, you knew everyone in your class, and you had simpler work. In high school, nope. You really have to take care of yourself. I'm lucky enough to have had a ton of nice teachers that helped me when I was stressed and gave me more time of work but that might not be the case for all teachers. As you advance grade levels, the less teachers are going to help you. So a huge tip to freshmans: do your work. Just get it done. Simply listen in class. I slacked a lot my freshman year and trust me, you're going to pay for it. Would you like taking online classes during the summer? No way! If you pass all your class and do your work, your senior year will be a breeze! I have a close friends that gets to go home after 6th hour! So not only will high school be way less stressful but when you get to your last year you can take all the fun and easy classes! Get all your credits done and you'll be smooth sailing!
Make friends! Now this might be as easy as doing your work (or not so easy for others) but trust me, you'll need them. High school can get pretty crazy, especially if you're one to get involved in relationships. You'll need them for support. Without my best friends, my high school life would have been way boring and way more stressful. Having class with my friends is always better than being in a class of strangers. Try your best to get to know some people around you and if that doesn't work, you'll always have a friends in me!
 Stay out of drama. I've watched my friends go through fights, arguments, and all kinds of problems during high school and trust me, it's not pretty. If you know you're involved with people that are bad news, get yourself out. Just simply distance you're self a bit. You don't have to down right say "I don't want to be friends with you, you're bad news," just simply keep to yourself a little more. Don't pretend to be who you're not just to hang out with that bad kids because you want to be popular. Hang out with the rad people that find you! Don't get involved with the he said-she said. Be kind to one another! Don't get into fights. If you like the party life, wait until you're a senior. I don't advise that you rush into partying too soon, it could lead to many other negative things. Think of school and keep it simple! 
DON'T GIVE A KITTEN BALLS WHAT PEOPLE SAY OR THINK ABOUT YOU. Listen, in high school, you'll find so many unsavory people. You'll come across kids that are rude, ignorant and just down right bullies. Some times they're call you names and say bad things about you to your face and behind your back. You won't even know them but they'll still be mean to you. But remember, they are just bullies. They make it their job to make you feel bad about yourself, but don't let it get to you. Don't. People have made fun of my hair, my skin, what I wear, how I act, what I like; the works. But I always remember that they don't know me. I have loving friends that care about me and family that does too. Don't make bullies feel good by being hurt. They WANT you to cry, they WANT you to feel bad about yourself but you are strong. Way stronger than they'll ever be. One day you'll be successful and you won't even remember their face. Just do you. Like what you want to like. Be who you want to be. The only people that matter is the people who love you and yourself. Don't try to change yourself because of these mean children. You're are fierce and beautiful and totally rad. Remember, feel bad for the bullies because something is missing in their life for them to be so mean. So forget them and life your life!

Be careful with relationships. I'm not against having a boyfriend or girlfriend in high school but be wary. Its easy to get hurt. I've been hurt twice myself and they both cut wounds deep enough that will never heal and I'm only 17. My advice, keep that dating for adult life. Once you graduate maybe. It will not only cut the chances of you ladies getting preggo (trust me I can think of 3 pregnant girls at my school right now, use protection kiddies) but it will keep you from getting hurt and give you more time to focus on your education!
So, here is my advice for high school. As you go through school, you will make your own mistakes and you will scrap your knee from time to time but remember, it's all just a lesson to be learned. Its okay to makes mistakes, its okay to fall down, its okay to cry. But in the end, learn from those mistakes, dust yourself off and dry those tears. You are strong no matter what. It will get hard, but you can do it. You only have one life to live so do what you think is right. And most importantly, be happy. Do what you love,whether it be a club, sport, or just chilling after school! I hope everyone had a fantastic day back! I believe in you!
Have a great school year!~

Monday, August 12, 2013

Charcoal & Black Sugar mask review! + DIY masks to NEVER try! ♥

Hey all! This is just a quick review on a fun facial mask that I got at Walmart. It's Freeman Feeling Beautiful Facial Polishing Mask - Charcoal & Black Sugar! It's really cheap at only $3 for a one pack. The package reads "Dual-action purifying mask and smoothing exfoliate." In my opinion, it was really nice mask considering the price! It has a sweet subtle smell, which I wasn't expecting. I was anticipating a strong charcoal smell but it's lovely. To use, all you do it apply it all over your face (I suggest cutting the package in have to get all the contains out) and massage it in for a few minutes and then left it sit for a few more. Because of the black sugar, it is very gritty. Make sure not to massage to rough! 

The cute bracelet my Best friend Anna got me!~
It looks like this! After washing it off, my skin did feel very refreshed and soft! For only three bucks, I give this a thumbs up!

(p.s I used this BEFORE I watched the DIY masks to never try video! Sugar isn't as great as you think!...)

Also, my friend Veronicuh showed me this video and I instantly knew that it was a must share. As someone who frequently does DIY masks for my face, I learned a lot about what is actually bad for my face that I've been using in masks without knowing the consequences, from watching this video! It's a ten minute long video putting to rest the DIY facial masks that YouTubers, Bloggers, etc use on the daily! There were so many commonly used things that people thought are good for your skin that are actually BAD, such as:

Baking soda
Lavender Oil

Crazy right?! I've used some of these ingredient before in DIY masks thinking they are great for me skin when in reality they aren't. I'm actually a little sad.... hehe. But now I'm a little more informed and I'll be able to improve my DIY masks in the future! (I'm still going to use lemon but only a tiny bit). So PLEASE,check out this video! You'll be able to tell which DIY masks you should try and which to steer clear from! Also, watch the video about DIY masks you SHOULD try!

DIY to NEVER try!

DIY you SHOULD try!

One last thin guys! How did you like my best friend Brandon's post about skin care and hair? In real life Brandon has FLAWLESS skin. Seriously, I'm always so jealous. He also has perfect hair. Not fair, right?! I learned a lot from his post and I'm probably going to run out and buy some of the products he uses and maybe I'll achieve perfect skin like him! He in depth post makes my posts look so little! He did a great job! Maybe he's the one that should have the blog? hehe! Thanks guys!

Pink Bow Tie