Saturday, April 6, 2013

Strawberry, Honey and Lemon Acne Mask ♥

Hi everyone! Today I made a natural face mask using only strawberries, honey and lemon! I think the idea of MAKING your face masks opposed to buying them is pretty neat because you actually know exactly what you are putting onto your face and it feels pretty good when you make something that can improve your skin!

Now, what I really love about this mask is that all the things you put into it are SUPER good for your skin! and here's a spoiler but it REALLY does make you're skin soft and brighter. Anyways here are the good things I read about strawberries, honey and lemons:

"Strawberry – A natural source of salicylic acid. SA is a common anti-acne ingredient used to clean out pores and get rid of blackheads without over drying the skin. Also used as a natural exfoliant.

Honey – The antibacterial properties in honey benefit acne-prone skin by reducing breakouts and healing current flair ups. It’s also a natural humectant so it locks in necessary moisture to keep skin hydrated and soothed.

Lemon – A natural astringent that tightens pores and brightens the complexion (because lemons are packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants).Also an ingredient commonly used to even out skin tone (good for minimizing the appearance of acne scarring)."

Doesn't that sound amazing? And I'm telling you, right away you will feel how smooth the strawberries and honey make your skin and how much brighter it becomes with the lemon!

And here is how to make it!

All you'll need are: 
5 fresh strawberries
Half a lemon

The website that I read this from says you'll only need a table spoon of honey and 1/4 of a lemon but trust me, more is better. You'll want more honey to make sure it stays on your skin and gives you that tight feeling!~

Take the steams off the strawberries. I suggest just cutting of the tops. Now, I don't have a blender so I used a fork as the website suggest but it was TOO hard! The strawberries were too slippery so I just took my hands and mushed them myself.

Next you'll need your honey. First I only put in one tablespoon-like the website suggested- but it was WAY too watery. I felt like it wouldn't be very effected so I put in AS MUCH as I liked. And I put in a lot LOL.

Next add your lemon. Only half should be good! You really don't need to squeeze the lemon to death, just get a good amount of juice in there were you can mix it all in evenly.
THAT'S IT! You're ready to apply your mask! Don't try getting the pieces of strawberry to stay on your face, the important part is the juice. Just keep taking small amounts and rubbing it in until your face has a nice red tint from all the juice on it. Your face should feel nice and sticky as it dries~ Leave it on for 7-12 (the longer the better) and the rise it off! Make sure you keep your head tilted back a bit while applying it so that lemon juice doesn't get in your eye! >__o 


Afterward, you're skin should feel much softer and noticeably brighter! You can this mask 2 times a week which I recommend. Tell me how it worked for you and look forward to my avocado mask! Thank you!


  1. I'm about to do this mask right now! I went through your entire blog and loved every post, especially the fresh face masks. I think they're so fun to make and they really work! Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that your blog is wonderful and thank you for these lovely posts. <3

    1. Hi!~ Thank you so much for the positive feed back! I'm so glad that there is someone out there that likes my blog! ^.^ I really loved doing natural face masks and I wanted to share it with everyone. Every time I post a face mask I'll think of your lovely comment<33 Thank you so much for reading! =^.^=

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