Monday, August 12, 2013

Charcoal & Black Sugar mask review! + DIY masks to NEVER try! ♥

Hey all! This is just a quick review on a fun facial mask that I got at Walmart. It's Freeman Feeling Beautiful Facial Polishing Mask - Charcoal & Black Sugar! It's really cheap at only $3 for a one pack. The package reads "Dual-action purifying mask and smoothing exfoliate." In my opinion, it was really nice mask considering the price! It has a sweet subtle smell, which I wasn't expecting. I was anticipating a strong charcoal smell but it's lovely. To use, all you do it apply it all over your face (I suggest cutting the package in have to get all the contains out) and massage it in for a few minutes and then left it sit for a few more. Because of the black sugar, it is very gritty. Make sure not to massage to rough! 

The cute bracelet my Best friend Anna got me!~
It looks like this! After washing it off, my skin did feel very refreshed and soft! For only three bucks, I give this a thumbs up!

(p.s I used this BEFORE I watched the DIY masks to never try video! Sugar isn't as great as you think!...)

Also, my friend Veronicuh showed me this video and I instantly knew that it was a must share. As someone who frequently does DIY masks for my face, I learned a lot about what is actually bad for my face that I've been using in masks without knowing the consequences, from watching this video! It's a ten minute long video putting to rest the DIY facial masks that YouTubers, Bloggers, etc use on the daily! There were so many commonly used things that people thought are good for your skin that are actually BAD, such as:

Baking soda
Lavender Oil

Crazy right?! I've used some of these ingredient before in DIY masks thinking they are great for me skin when in reality they aren't. I'm actually a little sad.... hehe. But now I'm a little more informed and I'll be able to improve my DIY masks in the future! (I'm still going to use lemon but only a tiny bit). So PLEASE,check out this video! You'll be able to tell which DIY masks you should try and which to steer clear from! Also, watch the video about DIY masks you SHOULD try!

DIY to NEVER try!

DIY you SHOULD try!

One last thin guys! How did you like my best friend Brandon's post about skin care and hair? In real life Brandon has FLAWLESS skin. Seriously, I'm always so jealous. He also has perfect hair. Not fair, right?! I learned a lot from his post and I'm probably going to run out and buy some of the products he uses and maybe I'll achieve perfect skin like him! He in depth post makes my posts look so little! He did a great job! Maybe he's the one that should have the blog? hehe! Thanks guys!

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