Friday, April 5, 2013

Lush Wishlist ♥

Ever since my first purchase at Lush, I've been day dreaming for another visit so I can get some more products. Since Lush products are a bit pricey, these wonderful items might not be mine for a long time but I still vow to one day try them!~

I've only been to the Lush store once and I already know the struggle of trying to pick something. It was like going to a candy store or shopping for clothes; YOU WANT IT ALL! But I used the US site to get a little background info on some things and I really want to purchase these in the future!

When I visited Lush, the lady there gave me a free sample of this and she scrubbed it all over my hand and washed it off for me and it made my hand so soft and smell go good. I wanted to just grab the big jar and run because it so pretty and it smells wonderful! The only reason I didn't buy it was because its $21!! And that's just for the small one! The big one is $35 on the site but I swear it was forty something at the store! Regardless, I seriously want to buy this one day! It has so many good things in it like Fine Sea Salt and Fresh Grapefruit Infusion. Tell me that doesn't sound epic. OH! And Fresh Lime Extract in VODKA? When the lady told me that I was like

But that sounds super cool!

This bath bomb is so pretty to me! The nice purple with the gold, greens and blues. I really want to see how it would look in a bath! I think I actually picked this one up at the store, I'm just not sure. It has great reviews and the ingredients seem super interesting. Like the Organic Jojoba Oil (what is that?!), Iron Oxides and even cinnamon sticks! 

Now I picked this one for obvious reasons: THERE ARE FREAKING ROSES IN IT. Seriously, there are 7 rose bubs in it. Doesn't it just look romantic? :o The featured ingredient is Orris Root Powder and is has Rose Absolute and Geranium Oil. It got some reviews saying it wasn't very long lasting and fizzed out quickly. If I had enough money I'd probably buy two of these, maybe that would solve the problem!

At first, I was going to pass by this one because it looked a little boring but when I clicked on it I read "Swim your private ocean in a relaxing seaweed soak" and honestly  I love the thought of seaweed products. I HATE running into seaweed at the beach (the orange/brown scratchy kind because I'm scared of jellyfish in it) but seaweed in a bath bomb sounds awesome! A lot of reviews says it leaves tub residue but honestly I don't mind cleaning out my tub after a good soak because then I can get a closer look as to what I was relaxing it!:3 Some also said it has TOO MUCH seaweed but again, not a problem with me. More is always better! 

Last but not least, I picked Avobath for one key ingredient: AVOCADO! I really love to eat avocado and I don't know why but a nice avocado bath sounds really lovely. I wonder if there are any good avocado face masks at Lush or that I can make myself! :3

Thanks for reading and let me know if you've tried any of these products or have different ones to recommend! 

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