Sunday, April 14, 2013

My trip to the Asian Markets! ♥

Hello everyone! Yesterday my best friend Anna, who is Vietnamese and Chinese, and I took our ACT early in the morning and after we left I went with her and her dad to two different Asian food stores (And Publix lol) I brought my iPad with me so I took a ton of pictures! This post is just going to be a really long photo blog! If you're Asian and go to stores like this often you might find it boring or interesting to see what I thought was cool! If you're not Asian this post will defiantly make you want to go!

First we went to Hong Kong Market! I've never done a photo blog with so many photos so I might get the two store confused at some point! Regardless, they both have relatively the same things!~

Don't even know what drink this is but its so cute! Thats Anna's hand~ 

They have tea for every reason and problem imaginable! Can't wait to go buy a ton one day!

Let me get some of this! I wonder if it really works?
Anna walking among the noodles!

Dude cleaning rice ^.^
Entrance! Yummy candy too~
The aisles are packed with foods. I love how colorful everything is!
Durian! One time Anna opened it at her house and the whole house smelled like durian all day! lol

Anna pointed out the coolest box of condoms I've ever seen. LOL

North Korean all over the news!

Part 2 at the Oriental Food Market!
Pretty drinks!
So much beautiful instant ramen and pho ga!

Soy sauce and hot sauce! Should have gotten something spicy for my boyfriend!
Found some hat and big boxes of Hello Panda!
Sweets! Look at all that huge pocky on the bottom!
Pretty decorations and Anna with her dad
I had a strong urge to buy these LOL
One day when I get a house I'm going to buy a bunch of these pretty bowls!
brooms  LOL
BUNNY!....nuts? lol
I don't like marshmallows but I love Hello Kitty! (My red vans)
I still want to try boba!

So that was my trip to the Asian Markets! It was a lot of fun and I could never get tired of walking down the aisles looking at everything. Especially the tea, noodles and candy. There was a lot of things I would love to have tried as a face mask or to cook on day. Hopefully I go again one day soon!\

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Pink Bow Tie