Friday, April 12, 2013

Texting/Drinking While Driving

Hi everyone! I decided to do a more serious post today about something that I seriously believe needs to change and be prevented. 
Now I know a lot of us say we would never do something so reckless and dangerous (I hope) as texting while driving or drinking before or while drinking but then again there are a lot of us that don't even think it is harmful or dangerous at all. Those are the people that THINK they are totally in control and believe that they know what they're doing. Let me put it this way: if you text or drink and drive you are not only putting your life at risk but so many others around you. 

I always thought that drinking while driving was incredibly dangerous, I mean drunk people can barely walk or talk without falling over, how can you drive?! But about a year ago I watched a video that made me open my eyes to the REAL danger of driving while driving. Many of you might have seen it on tumblr, but have you watched it?

When I watched this video I was more than just shaken up. I made my friends vow to NEVER drink and drive. If you have a friend that has ever been drunk or even buzzed while driving you should have a serious talk to him/her because what if it was YOU in that car with them and what it you guys weren't so lucky to make it home safe?

Every day in America,  27 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes.

Everyday, 27 people die because of drunk driving. That could be your entire math class, 27 friends, 27 family member, 27 parents of child, 27. 27 is a big number. And if you drink and drive, you can become part of that 27. Its not only about your own life either. What if you got into and accident while under the influence of alcohol and that caused you to smash into a car with 4 child in it? What if that car also smashed into a car with two elderly women in it? And what if THAT car hit a man on his way home from work to go see his kids? You have a pile up on the road with not just your life but 7 other peoples lives at risk. It may sound harsh, but its the truth. 

If you're younger than 21 you shouldn't be drinking at all but if you do, make sure you have a designated driver. Someone that will not drink and is sober so you can get home safe. Before you go to any parties, give your keys to that person because when you're drunk you may not want to give them up. Think of your family, friends and others.

While drunk driving is extremely dangerous something just as detrimental is texting while driving. You may be thinking "But I'm not drunk, I can focus and its only a quick text." You're wrong. When you text while driving its pretty much like closing you're eyes and sleeping at the wheel because technically, you're not there. Your mind isn't on the road, its on you friend telling you that they're on their way or your mom asking you to pick up some groceries. Anything could happen right in front of you and you wouldn't see it. You might not notice a red light or a large turning truck. And a phone in your hands that just makes it harder to react quickly if you realize something terrible is about to happen. IT CAN WAIT.

Texting while driving causes 11 teen deaths EVERYDAY.

That it 11 of your classmates, friends, neighbors. People you see everyday and care about taken away because of an 'lol or 'omw'.

For more statistics on texting while driving click here.

So promise me readers, no matter what, whether you think you have the best self control or best driving skills you will not DRINK or TEXT while driving. I haven't lost a friend or family member to these things, and I don't plan on it. Its on the new EVERYDAY and I don't plan on being on the news because I lost my life because of drinking or texting while driving. You could save a life! 

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